Took a walk to the store this morning, despite the rain, and in so doing realized just how pleasant it is. The rain was light and the mood was right. Walking of itself is something I enjoy; it’s my go to for exercise (me no run).
As I started walking, I began looking for earthworms on the ground. It wasn’t long before I saw one about 3-4 inches long drinking up the water flowing down to hill. That may not be so interesting to you but for some reason it is to me.
But one of the things I do often is walk with a song. The more I was out there the more inspired I felt – the song became a message; from message to concert; from concert to…

Okay, pause, looking for some snacks. Be right back…

Alright, I’m good, back up the hill in the rain and in the moment.

I couldn’t help but feel how beautiful the weather is and feels. Without fail the thought was to share my moment with you all.

You know, we can look at things around us and find negatives. It’s actually the most accessible place to those that have not conditioned themselves differently. This applies to family, self, our finances, our world and more.

Let’s take 20 minutes, every hour of every day, to condition ourselves to see the beauty in something we would otherwise find to be contemptuous. Not only so, but rather than looking at the problem see the solution that is usually there. It’s conditioning and it’s life changing. We can see the rain and consider the mud, or we can see the flowers the bloom as a result of. I love it. I’m inspired just thinking about. Well I guess I should be, since I’m the one writing about it. Maybe you’ll understand it better if you had my experience, eventhough there’s so much more I could say.

But go ‘head–Take a walk in the Inspirain.

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