This Lady Thinks Women Should Be Submissive To Their Men. Agree?

Partnership – Who we team up with should be that one(s) we respect and respects us. This is not only the case as it relates to marriage but in every relationship (business, friendship, etc).


drkimes This Dr Heavenly Kimes . She appears on a show called ‘ Married To Medicine’ and she has strong ideas of what makes a good marriage. Here are her top 10 matrimonial tips:

1.  Have a hot meal ready for your man when he gets home from work. Let’s face it, I’m a busy woman, and I don’t always have time to cook. But if I don’t think I’ll have the time that night, I’ll have my cook prepare something, or I will pick something up.

2. Don’t be a prude in the bedroom. Of course, I am not encouraging you to go out and have a threesome, BUT keep an open mind to the new things that your husband wants to try. Don’t be so quick to say “no.” Take pleasure in pleasing your man. And please try not to ever go to sleep angry.

3. Don’t be a…

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It’s April Wise Day

Wisdom Is The Principle Thing

"...the price of wisdom is above rubies." Job 28:18

“…the price of wisdom is above rubies.” Job 28:18


How amazing it is to know that we are never limited…Ever.

We’re not limited in what we can achieve. We’re not limited in what we can build. We’re not limited in what we can imagine.  We’re not limited in what we can acquire.  We’re – Just – Not – Limited.

I’m sure many have heard the saying, “The sky’s the limit.” Well, some are living in the augmentation of that phrase to the enhancing of not only their lives but of those connected to them and those around them as well [more details in upcoming blogs].  For you see, one can only be limited to the place of their reach, which is a reflection of the extension of their faith or lack thereof.  If your mantra is, “Seeing is believing,” then you will be blinded to the invisible gems that evade the roving eye.  Some things are not seen but felt and others are heard in the passing winds.


Proverbs 8

Wisdom will light your darkest hour.

Wisdom will light your darkest hour.

Doth not wisdom cry? and understanding put forth her voice?

She standeth in the top of high places, by the way in the places of the paths.

She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors.

Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man.

O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.

Hear; for I will speak of excellent things; and the opening of my lips shall be right things.

For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

All the words of my mouth are in righteousness; there is nothing froward or perverse in them.


Now, tell me how awesome that is.  I love it…, really; here’s a few reasons why.

  • It shows the desire of wisdom to connect with man, mankind that is – creation.  One of the things that no man or woman likes is rejection and for this reason they try not to do anything that leaves them vulnerable.
    Never Give Up

    Never Give Up

    Well here wisdom shows that you must extend yourself. Wisdom does not live in fear or dwell on the past.  This is a valuable lesson for parents to help their children.  As for the entrepreneur, so you attempted a business and it didn’t work out the first time.  Go at it again but with more knowledge and with more confidence.  Certainly become wiser and apply what you’ve learned so the same mistakes are not in play anymore.  Remember, in all your getting, get understanding.

  • Wisdom is not perverse or deceitful.  It’s aim or mission is to make us better. Not only so, but who wants to be around someone they can’t trust.  It’s good to have a friend that will be loving and honest enough to tell you when you’re wrong.

“He that winketh with the eye causes sorrow…

  • Wisdom makes itself heard; so it positions itself in the most optimum of places [high places -seen not hid; places of the path -where various people come through (merchants, traders, etc); entrance of the city -before you get entangled with what’s ahead].  What does this mean for me?  Our success is connected to our position.  No, this does not mean what projects you live in, or not having two parents in the home, etc.  Do you only stay in your circle or do you launch out into the deep?  Pastors how are you exposing your ministry to the surrounding communities and the world at large? Consider that the next time you’re frustrated with lack of growth and draining the few people’s pockets who are there faithfully – go get more folks.  It’s still a business and you must recognize Supply and Demand.  As for that new boutique that has the spot on the second floor in the back corner somewhere of the building/mall that has no big named franchises next to it, so that people might see you when they see it, you just need to learn how to market the business better.  I love the story of John the Baptist.  If for no other reason than the fact that he shows us, if you’ve got the goods, people will come no matter where you are or what you look like.  Ooooh this is GOOD!aCan

I could be here all day but wisdom says – Moderation, save some for tomorrow/another day.  Yeah, wisdom speaks.

Can you hear it and are you listening?

Can you hear it and are you listening?


So before I go, I just want to wrap it up with this –

The New Millionaires Mindset is one of Wisdom.  Be wise with every decision because it affects your tomorrow and those of others also.  Be wise with your time because it’s on assignment, thus so should we be.  Be wise about relationships, because being yoked to one who is unequal is costly.  Be wise with your words, because everything doesn’t get stricken from the records. Be wise…

…it’s the principle thing.